Learn the Basics of Reiki by Donna Lakes
Mar 21, 2024
Learn the Basics of Reiki
Reiki is probably the most well-known and popular form of energy healing in the world today. It has become mainstream in most countries, especially in the United States.
Reiki is thousands of years old. The word Reiki means "God consciousness energy"! It grew increasingly popular in the 1920s via a Japanese Buddhist named Mikao Usui. Then, his daughter brought it to the United States through Hawaii and then onto the mainland. Reiki has become increasingly popular in the 20th and 21st centuries. It is well-needed. Most bodyworkers, alternative medicine, and even mainstream medicine practitioners use Reiki as a tool. It is now a mainstream modality and even many mental health practitioners have been trained in Reiki.
Reiki is the channeling of God's Consciousness or Universal Consciousness energy through or into the Reiki practitioner via pulling it from the earth and the heavens and filling up and overflowing the power out the practitioner's hands into the client or patient body via the chakra system or body parts. The practitioner is like a jumper cable for the power, so to speak, for those more mechanically minded. The practitioner either holds their hands over the chakras or touches the body near them or a body part from a distance. Reiki works on all levels: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. It can improve health, alleviate pain, and heal injuries or illnesses quickly and efficiently. It can soothe and improve anxiety and depression and help with PTSD as well. It can also help relieve a grieving heart. Reiki is limitless, and its effects differ from person to person.
Some people experience miracle-like responses and may only be sooth or comforted for a while. It depends both on the consciousness of the practitioner and that of the recipient. The more they each surrender to this divine energy and let go of control and beliefs, the stronger the results, in my opinion. I have been utilizing Reiki for myself and my clients since 1994, so over 20 years now. I have been teaching Reiki since 1999.
In Reiki, you learn the basics about the seven main chakras in the body, and you know how to perform it on yourself, others, and for past, present, or future situations. You can use Reiki on plants, animals, or humans. I've used it to support healing in squirrels when they've fallen out of a tree or on a dying plant. I've used it a lot on my son as he was growing up. I completely cleared away a concussion he had as we waited way too long for a doctor to see us. By the time the doctors got there, my weak, limp, vomiting child was running around the emergency room. Kids tend to heal much faster than adults. Reiki is excellent for your personal life and practice. It comes in handy for mothers and fathers. Reiki has something for everyone. Reiki is unique, and seeing its growth in mainstream everyday life in so many cultures is lovely!
Want to learn Reiki? You can enroll in my workshops Here