ASHA Blogs
I'm gonna be honest here...
These days, I have no desire to focus on the world being a mess or humanity being a mess or the United States being a mess (as the media urges us to believe).
Instead, I wan...
Intuitive Healing Sessions by Michael from Prismatic Flower Essences offer a unique and powerful way to help individuals restore balance and harmony. Through connecting to a Higher Power, Intuitive He...
Good day, everyone.
We’ve all had those people in our lives, whether we realize it or not, who aren’t healthy for us. I want to discuss how to handle these toxic people. Truthfully, once you realize ...
I noticed that even in our spiritual community, there is a lot of gossip and judgment. Gossip is when you talk about someone in judgment, not observation. I also noticed that people would form an opin...
Define yourself or be undefinable!
Don't accept limited proclamations of who or what you are! Discover your limitlessness. Realize that someone else's opinion about you, good or bad, positive or nega...
So lately, what keeps coming up is allowing. Allowing is a feminine energy quality and a way of being. We are so used to making things happen. Force. The old dynamics of this world we have lived in fo...
People wonder why there is such crazy weather. The weather is manifested just like anything else. We are all going through so many changes and adjustments these days. Just as the planets affect us, so...
Power vs. Domination
Power vs. Force
Power vs. Control
Power vs. Bullying
Power is exciting, but I think we need to redefine it. I think power is misunderstood. A huge lesson we are learning as a ...
You hold the power. Remember that. When life hands you a challenge, you can allow it to make you stronger, grow, and transform. On the other hand, you can let it break you and bring you down. The key ...
Perhaps one of the most complex forms of acceptance to learn is self-acceptance. One thing I wish for you to understand about acceptance is that if you are having trouble feeling accepted by others or...
One of the more famous prayers states, “Give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change.” Acceptance is a significant factor in finding peace within and without. As I have worked towards pea...
Now, there is also acceptance of situations. We have a choice when something does not go as we had hoped. Most of us are not trained to see choice. Most of us see roadblocks, and we give up in defeat....
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