Causes & Relief from Anxiety & Depression by Donna Lakes
Mar 22, 2024
One of the main reasons people come to see me is anxiety and depression. One of the leading causes is emphatic abilities. What is an empath? An empath is someone who feels other people's feelings as if they are theirs. To empathize is to put yourself in someone else’s place, to imagine whatever is happening for someone, what it would be like, and how it would feel if it were happening to them. E peopleEmphatic people typically feel responsible for other people's situations, issues, and feelings. They may also feel responsible for the sorrows of the world topics. They may have “save the world” syndrome. Doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, counselors, and people in the healing arts often have this syndrome or, at the very least, are empathic. Empaths are typically susceptible to energies and are influenced by the energies that surround them. The energy of other people, places, situations, music, a TV show, electrical power, etc. It can be crippling for them. Some empaths become what we call agoraphobic, meaning they cannot leave their own homes. My Tree Meditation is very helpful for empaths. It can save their lives. I recommend my Managing Your Energy class for empaths. A #1 rule for empaths: DO NOT FEEL SORRY FOR OTHER PEOPLE!
Empaths need to find ways to ground their energy, such as regular exercise, Tree Meditation (available on my website), gardening, etc. There are also grounding poses in yoga and specific grounding exercises in Chi Qigong Jai Chi. They also need to pull their energy in and strengthen it. They are usually like ungrounded live wires surging sporadic energy.
Love and blessings,