Creating a New Relationship with Yourself by Donna Lakes
Mar 21, 2024
Creating a new relationship with yourself is part of the ascension process. We must all learn to accept ourselves, approve of ourselves, and ultimately forgive ourselves for neglecting or being hard on ourselves, letting others take advantage, etc. We must learn to love ourselves.
Some of us are disassociated from ourselves and repress our emotions. Many have been taught that feeling and expressing are weaknesses or that crying is weak when what creates weakness is avoiding ourselves or our feelings. It takes more strength to process feelings and emotions than prevent them. Avoiding them drains you and creates clogged energy and baggage. It is much healthier and courageous to allow ourselves to process and release. Crying is releasing, and releasing cleanses our energy. Now, we don’t want to get stuck in the energy of feeling sorry for ourselves, for that creates the victim mentality, which then leads to surrendering our power. Healthy expression and anger release techniques or crying can be very liberating.
It’s safe to express, but remember to always take responsibility for your feelings, emotions, and situations. For blame also surrenders your power. If it’s someone else’s fault, we cannot change things. How we react to people’s actions or respond to situations is based on our own beliefs and emotional triggers based on those beliefs and taken from past experiences. How we react to someone or how they react to us is always about ourselves and never about them. How someone treats you is about them- it’s not personal. It’s a reflection of what’s going on for them and not any reflection of you. And that goes both ways. You are only responsible for your feelings, situations, and your issues. Only you hold the power to change things for you and are not ever dependent on anyone else. Always bring the focus back to you, not in a self-criticizing or self-blaming way. It’s never about blame; it’s about knowing and understanding yourself and taking responsibility for yourself. It’s about self-connection and learning to look within for your happiness and to fulfill your needs, wants, and desires. It’s about you and only you.
Anger Release Techniques:
- Hitting a pillow with a tennis racquet as you say your peace or yell out your frustrations
- Throwing rocks into a lake, pond, or stream as you yell out your emotions
- Exercising to release
- Journaling or writing a letter and then burning it!
- Dancing to release
- Using release essential oil
- Crying
- Talking to a friend
- Screaming underwater in the tub
- Taking a salt water bath to cleanse your energy
Once you are, start trying to understand the situation, talk, talk things through, or journal to counsel yourself on a new perspective. Emotions and feelings have a purpose- they teach us our triggers and signify we need a boundary to be put into place. We learn it’s not ever personal. They teach us that as we understand our subconscious beliefs and triggers, we can work past them, release them, and move into emotional maturity. We evolve, we ascend.
If you are ready to embark upon your personal journey toward self-love and empowerment, come join Donna for one of her powerful workshops. You can also schedule an appointment with Donna or one of her team members at, call (888)-824-1970, or email [email protected].
If you need help letting go of self-judgment and criticism, consider my Coming Home to Yourself meditation. It helps anchor you into self-appreciation and self-approval and leads you toward self-love. This guided meditation can be purchased through my Healing Meditations Subscription for only $3.99 a month!