Growing Faith by Donna Lakes
Mar 21, 2024
Growing Faith, stepping into our power, self-love, and realizing we are divine! These are all what we are evolving toward. This is what it will take to live in the new world we who are conscious are creating. The others will join us later.
For all this to occur, the old ways will crumble, fall, fall apart, and die. Things will look chaotic and messy for a minute, but focus on the new foundation being built. This is happening within us, and our outer world will also reflect this. It will happen micro and macro – globally, and who knows what else may be happening in the universe, but I am willing to bet something is…
My work is with the micro. I work with our innermost parts, the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of beings! We must first create change from within and experience it in our outer world. Example: Our relationship with others is a direct reflection of the way we treat ourselves. Our beliefs about the world outside us create what we experience from the world.
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Love and blessings,