The Significance of Subconscious Reprogramming in Personal Healing and Humanity's Progress
Jul 26, 2023
What is subconscious reprogramming? Why is it essential for us to individually and for humanity?
To define subconscious reprogramming, we must first truly understand the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is made up of what I call all aspects of us, from infancy to the present moment.
Yes, our consciousness is formed and affected even in the womb. We take on our parents' thoughts, feelings, and energy, especially our mothers. Our consciousness is aware of all that goes on. Consciousness begins at conception and begins to form our subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the part of the mind that is not part of focal awareness. The minor effects on thoughts, feelings, and behavior do not enter our awareness of the current/conscious part of our mind.
Our beliefs are stored in our subconscious mind. We perceive and operate according to our beliefs, which affect our attitudes, personality behavior, and outlook on life. What we believe affects our vibration, which in turn affects everything we attract in life!
So, we operate 90% from our subconscious and conscious minds. Part of our healing process is to retrain our subconscious mind to be in harmony with our conscious mind. Our personalities are formed from birth to age 7. We adopt our beliefs from our parents, family, culture, community, collective, and experiences.
Children do not understand that there is no difference between them and anyone else. They adopt beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and habits. Inner child healing is vital to subconscious reprogramming, primarily our beliefs formed at age 7.
Subconscious reprogramming is a reteaching of information to the inner child and all aspects of your new beliefs and disproving the old beliefs! We may have learned something later in life as we do, but our subconscious mind conflicts with a conscious mind over the new information. So as adults, we may learn that we are a part of God. A child of God was separate from us. This self-realization concept is something we'd need to reteach the inner child or the subconscious mind.
For the world to heal, shift to a higher vibration, and change our habits and ways of doing things, we must retrain or reteach the subconscious mind. This involves what I call inner child healing. We need to establish a new type of relationship with ourselves.
I hope this helps you understand the subconscious mind, how it affects us, and why it is essential to retrain or reprogram it. We have been taught many disempowering beliefs and ways of being as a human collective. To experience a subconscious reprogramming session and or inner child healing session.
Donna Lakes