The Dark Night of The Soul – The Process of Ascension by Donna Lakes
Mar 21, 2024
As we move through the process of ascension, we inevitably will experience the dark night of the soul. This is a time of facing our shadow side or dysfunctional self, the parts of us we don’t enjoy.
Many people run away from their issues and avoid them. We are taught to escape or to hide these parts with shame and guilt. I say embrace them! What I have learned from my ascension process and helping to guide so many is that those parts of you are good. We are taught black and white, good and bad. The fact is, there is good and evil in everything, every person and every situation. It’s all about how you spin it! It is all perception. One of the most significant parts of the ascension process is changing how we perceive and believe. Our thoughts and beliefs are vital to ascending. They affect our vibration. You can tell how far someone has ascended by how they focus and how they treat and handle situations. Do they find the gift in a situation, even what we would deem a tragedy, or do they allow for perceptions of limiting or dooming perceptions to hold them back? Can they see the light in what we were taught to see as darkness?
As we sift through the night, and as you are on the night, you will sometimes feel lost, alone, stuck, uncomfortable, and even hopeless. You may feel you are in your hell and not helpful. Nothing that used to work for you will work. You will feel you don’t even know who you are, completely lost from your former self. You will miss what you once were. It was familiar and comfortable. But please realize you are letting go of what no longer serves you. You will have to come into surrender and acceptance. You will most likely wear yourself out fighting it, grabbing onto your old ways – the old you. It is no use; this will only prolong the process. Just reassure yourself it’s okay to be in chaos and that it is a process that is only temporary. Work on acceptance, surrender to the process, and become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Thank your old habits, issues, and defense mechanisms for serving you. Be proud of yourself for surviving this wild world of limited duality. Duality will slowly disappear as your mind opens up to a new story. We all have a story and create a new relationship with ourselves as we ascend. The inner universe creates our outer universe, the game of life. It’s like we are moving up a level in a video game.
So, the night is a journey we take alone; no one can do it for us. However, there is support along the way. Remember, even though it feels like you are being punished or thrown around by life, this is not true. We are like coal, having pressure put on us and going through the alchemical process. We are coal transforming into diamonds. We are straws being weaved into gold.
I hope this helps many of you on your journey. Remember to surrender and allow. That will make it easier. Reassure yourself – this, too, will pass. This is a new season. You are in the winter of your soul – the death of your ego. It’s normal to struggle as you step into acceptance of your shadow self, make peace, and set it free to be transformed.
I write music, and most of our songs are about this process. They are meant to encourage you, inspire you, and help you understand yourself as you embark upon this adventure. I will share my songs with you as soon as we have a decent recording.
My parting words are, “It’s all okay.” Grieve your old self and know that in your loss, you will find a new you, a more peaceful spirit filled with truth and love. You will be happy again! Even happier than before. It is just another death and rebirthing process in nature. We are forever evolving. Don’t fight it! Embrace it, and your ride will be just a bit smoother.
Peace and blessings,
Donna Lakes
Learning A New Way of Being