The World is Not a Mess by Donna Lakes

12 laws of the universe community create creation donna lakes gratitude law of attraction Jul 31, 2024

I'm gonna be honest here...

These days, I have no desire to focus on the world being a mess or humanity being a mess or the United States being a mess (as the media urges us to believe). 

Instead, I want to focus on what we ARE doing that’s great and the solutions that we create together!!! 

Many are open to change… 

They just don’t know what to do. 

Hear me out...

We have mastermind meetings for everything else - why not mastermind meetings for solutions to a beautiful world? 

If you really believe in the Law of Attraction or the 12 Laws of the Universe, then you know that we must focus on what is good so as to grow MORE good.

What we focus on creates the lens of how we see everything!!! 

Let’s be grateful for how certain systems have served us and opt to create solutions to better them rather than writing them off as “broken.” 

Arguing and biting at each other’s throats offers NO solutions either. 

We are capable of thinking outside of the box and that’s exactly what we need to do! We must expand our brains beyond the discord and illusions of lack and dysfunction. 

We are at our best when we’re creating, so…let’s create! Better yet, let’s come together to create in community! 

It’s time to grow up and mature, emotionally and mentally and spiritually! If you’re ready to come together with others who are on a similar path to enlightenment, I invite you to check out our upcoming courses here:

-Donna Lakes, ASHA Founder



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