Unconscious and Conscious Manifesting
Mar 22, 2024
People wonder why there is such crazy weather. The weather is manifested just like anything else. We are all going through so many changes and adjustments these days. Just as the planets affect us, so does the weather. We need time to go in and look at ourselves and to process. Enjoy the opportunity! Could you make the most of it? Embrace what comes along our path. There are always reasons for everything, whether it be crazy weather, tragedy, or a joyful happening. Such is life. You can sit around and whine about or embrace it, learn from it, and grow from it! Always remember the law of attraction is always in order, whether you are consciously or unconsciously creating. So be aware of complaining and what that might make.
Recently, one of my friends lost her job. All she did was complain on Facebook about her job. Hmmmm, now that is powerful manifesting. You can find a way to appreciate and focus on the good or complain and be miserable. If you desire a new job, for example, be grateful and ask the universe for a new opportunity, but not without gratitude for the old opportunity. As you wait for the new one, make the best of the current one. Complaining only keeps you miserable and in a sad place! And the same goes for the weather!
Love and blessings,