Power is a force that resides within you. It combines confidence, intuition, and the ability to trust yourself and life. With power, you can achieve anything you set your mind to
...ASHAÂ Blogs
You hold the power. Remember that. When life hands you a challenge, you can allow it to make you stronger, grow, and transform. On the other hand, you can let it break you and bring you down. The key ...
Perhaps one of the most complex forms of acceptance to learn is self-acceptance. One thing I wish for you to understand about acceptance is that if you are having trouble feeling accepted by others or...
One of the more famous prayers states, “Give me the strength to accept the things I cannot change.” Acceptance is a significant factor in finding peace within and without. As I have worked towards pea...
Now, there is also acceptance of situations. We have a choice when something does not go as we had hoped. Most of us are not trained to see choice. Most of us see roadblocks, and we give up in defeat....
Anxiety is often caused by fear and worry. I have touched on how metaphysical energetic problems in previous bogs can cause it, but it is often caused by past trauma or current stressors.
Anxiety and...
1. Do not fear it; fear only gives it power!
2. Use the Tree Meditation daily, once in the morning and once in the evening
a. Do Tree Meditation for your house
3. Call on angels and fairies to protect...
Growing Faith, stepping into our power, self-love, and realizing we are divine! These are all what we are evolving toward. This is what it will take to live in the new world we who are conscious are c...
Creating a new relationship with yourself is part of the ascension process. We must all learn to accept ourselves, approve of ourselves, and ultimately forgive ourselves for neglecting or being hard o...
I have seen a lot of people awakening and being called toward their ascension process via entering the “night of the soul.” When we enter the night, we lose all sense of who we are and experience the ...
For the most part, in our society, we are taught to avoid pain, and that pain is a bad thing. Once again, we need to change our perceptions. This view disempowers us and causes us to avoid our pain. P...
As we move through the process of ascension, we inevitably will experience the dark night of the soul. This is a time of facing our shadow side or dysfunctional self, the parts of us we don’t enjoy.
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